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Like This How To Read The Results Of Blood Pressure Checks

Blood pressure checks are now done independently at home. However, the diagnosis must be carried out by a doctor or medical staff. Blood pressure checks are performed to monitor the health of blood circulation in the body. There are various factors that can affect your blood pressure, ranging from lifestyle, activity, to psychological. Routine blood pressure checks are usually recommended by a doctor.

Understanding Blood Pressure Test Results

There are two numbers listed on the blood pressure gauge. The number above shows the systolic pressure, while the number below shows the diastolic pressure. Blood pressure levels are measured on a mmHg or millimeter of mercury (mercury) scale. In the medical world, mercury is used as a standard unit of measurement for blood pressure. From the results of blood pressure checks, can be categorized as follows:
  • Normal

  • A blood pressure level of less than 120/80 mmHg can be considered normal. If your blood pressure is normal, maintain it by eating with balanced nutrition and exercising regularly.
  • Prehypertension

  • Your blood pressure can fall into this category if it ranges between 120-129 mmHg systolic and 80 mmHg diastolic. If not treated immediately, prehypertension can be a risk of developing symptoms of hypertension.
  • First degree hypertension

  • Your blood pressure ranges from 130-139 mmHg systolic or 80-89 mmHg diastolic, including grade 1 hypertension. However, you may not necessarily experience grade 1 hypertension if this examination has only been done once. The doctor will repeat the examination to be sure.
  • 2nd degree hypertension

  • You can be diagnosed with 2nd degree hypertension if your blood pressure is constantly above 140/90 mmHg. If your blood pressure reaches this limit, your doctor will prescribe medicines to reduce high blood pressure that need to be consumed regularly, and advise you to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
  • Hypertensive crisis

  • If your blood pressure reaches more than 180/120 mmHg, wait five minutes then repeat your examination. If your blood pressure is still the same, then you should see a doctor because it is included in the category of hypertension crisis. Also watch out for other symptoms that may accompany the pain in the chest, shortness of breath, back pain, weakness or numbness, changes in vision, or difficulty speaking.
Conversely, if your blood pressure is often below 90/60 mmHg, you may experience low blood pressure or hypotension. Hypotension can also be accompanied by dizziness, due to lack of oxygen supply in the blood. This condition can be a high risk to health and needs to be treated immediately by a doctor.

How To Check Blood Pressure For More Accurate Results

Routine blood pressure checks are especially necessary in people with high blood pressure. In addition to understanding blood pressure patterns, this examination can also help administering drugs and monitor the effectiveness of the treatment given, and help doctors estimate potential complications. Before conducting an examination, there is something that needs to be done or avoided so that the blood pressure check is more accurate:
  • Do not eat, smoke, and drink caffeine and alcohol, at least 30 minutes before the examination. Also, do not forget to urinate first. A full urinary tract can increase blood pressure even if only slightly.
  • Try to be calm when checking blood pressure. You can try to relax by sitting for five minutes in a position as comfortable as possible before the examination is done. Try not to talk about and think about things that trigger stress.
  • Position your arms at heart level, on a table or armrest. Make sure your palms are on the top. Place a pillow or base under your arm so your arms are parallel to the heart.
  • Roll the sleeve up. Blood pressure check equipment (sphygmomanometer cuff) should directly touch the skin for accurate examination results.
  • If necessary, repeat the examination several times with a gap of 2-3 minutes. Record each inspection results according to your needs.
Performing blood pressure checks independently at home is useful for monitoring blood pressure, especially needed by people with high blood pressure. Do it according to doctor's recommendation. If your blood pressure test results are outside the normal range or certain symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.
